Sunday, September 16, 2012


1 comment:

  1. Regarding Pearl Reunion Contribution of P1,500.00/person is being waived by the Organizers.

    Let Us Enjoy this once in our Lifetime Celebration to occur in our Life. Your Attendance is very much important to your Batchmates.... It counts a lot.

    Let us Celebrate this Reunion with Joy in our Hearts, Peace in our Mind and Fulfillment of our Career being Graduates of Chemical Engineering from our Beloved Alma Mater - Adamson University.

    Let the Theme of our Celebration echoes thru corners of our Mind ..... Love and Friendship Through the Years....

    Don't be diswayed by our emotions, remember this affair could be a failure if we dont cooperate and participate.

    We salute to the Organizers for their untiring and unselfish effort just to make our Pearl Reunion a Success.

    It's not an easy task to be Organizing a Big Event. We have different views on some issues which could spark differences, heartaches, and somehow demoralized us to head or proceed. But deep in our Hearts, there is one DOT/POINT imprinted in our hearts, the LOVE & FRIENDSHIP through the 5 years in College and through all these years.

    Let us All Reconcile and Resolve our Differences. We are one Family.

    Let us now Go Forward......
